Sunday, June 24, 2007

Wish list item 1.

A very useful accesory for my iPhone would be a full sized keyboard and video out dock. Think about it, a person could type a document, compose emails, and do a ton of other cool stuff even faster if they had a keyboard that utilized the dock connector. In addition, wouldn't it be awesome to plug your iPhone into a larger monitor via video out? When I get to work, I could put my iPhone in a dock and have access to a full-sized keyboard, and have everything I do be visible from a large monitor. This could easily replace my laptop for the most basic tasks that I do. 

Awaiting iDay

I, like so many people around the world, am anticipating the launch of iPhone on 6.29.2007. This day will forever be known as iDay. From this point in time forward, the world of mobile communications will be completely changed. Gone are the days when people struggled with devices that were supposed to make their lives easier... everywhere people will embrace the greatest communications device in modern history. 

You read it here first! Millions of users will switch from their current mobile providers to AT&T. Then, after experiencing the iPhone's superior design, they will switch from PC to Mac. 

iDay - Be Ready, Join the Revolution!